5318 Weslayan St
Houston TX 77005



ABOUT A&K Vendiing

A&K Vending Machines

in Our Business

We specialize in providing break room vending services tailored to your business and employee demographics in the Houston Metroplex and surrounding areas.

Machines installed

ABOUT A&K Vending

Gallery of Our Products



Services by A&K Vending

100% FREE service, forever. There is no catch or hidden fees. We provide free vending machines, snacks, and exceptional customer service to enhance your workplace morale and customer experience.

100% free installation

Guarantee 100%

We provide all services to our free vending machines. There are no long term agreements or contracts with us. We take pride in providing you with exceptional break room services and fresh products!

Repair and Service

Turnaround and on-site repairs covered through us.

Provision of Ingredients

We believe in collaboration to bring your employees or customers superior services. Submit snack and drink suggestions for an optimal experience.

Additional Equipment

We offer cutting-edge technology, allowing you to pay with your mobile device, credit card, debit card, and cash!.


Pricing Plans

Flagfin Atlantic saury, stonecat beachsalmon, silver dollar South American Lungfish. Reef triggerfish dogteeth

Machine Installation

$ 585

Machine Installation

$ 630

Machine Installation

$ 720

Machine Installation

$ 950


A&K Vending Featured Products

1 150$

Combo Machine TB 100

1 150$

Snack Machine Claus 1

1 150$

Coffe Machine CF96

1 150$

Water Machine WM 2500

Profit from your Venue with No Cost Up-Front?

Start with a full vending machine service and a $500 signing bonus.


People Says About A&K Vending


Blog & News
on Vending Industry

Coffe Machine

Combo Machine

May 21, 2019

Coffe Machine

Combo Machine

Armoured catfish Rasbora snook pearl danio tetra. Blue shark marlin yellow-edged moray wels catfish queen triggerfish jellynose fish noodle

May 21, 2019

Coffe Machine

Combo Machine

May 21, 2019

Coffe Machine

Combo Machine

Armoured catfish Rasbora snook pearl danio tetra. Blue shark marlin yellow-edged moray wels catfish queen triggerfish jellynose fish noodle

May 21, 2019

Coffe Machine

Combo Machine

May 21, 2019


People Who Trust Us

# A&KVending



5272 Lyngate Ct Burke, VA 2015-1688


+1 998 150 30 20
+31 85 964 47 25